Portfolio Question

Taking this class has helped me improve in my writing in areas such as expressing myself better by giving different examples or researching for facts that support my statement. Also, knowing that there are different types of essays that I can write about such as Cause-Effect relation, Narration, Definition and Process essay. This will help me in the future because I will be able to choose from different essays to write about and focus on different things I want to talk about. I have learned to put my voice in my paper and to write about what I am passionate about. I enjoyed this class and I will still look forward on improving on my writing essay skills.

Portfolio Question #1

I can honestly say that I have improved in my writing since taking this class. I have improved in the grammatical essence of writing such as punctuation and spelling. I have improved in my over all way of approaching an essay. The way I prepare to write an essay has changed for the better. I still need to work on my over projection of what I am trying to say in my essays. Which will come naturally with time I hope.  But in the end this class has been extremely helpful.

A Free education for All

Carolina Moreno

ISE 100


A Free Education for All


                Is it fair to drop out of college but yet to be intelligent? During recent years many students, college students have been dropping out due to monetary issues, according to Joseph Lopez, President of Colorado University. Being financial stable is hard for every single one of us when there are other things to pay for, or even having to feed family members of a big family, your family. Government should offer college and university education free of charge from the point they start taking their major classes.

                Intelligence is a value that not all people put in practice but it should be able to be enforced without worrying financially. For example, a college student who all through his school life has been making good grades ending with a very high GPA, but yet comes from a poor financial stable family who could barely afford for his education in college, should not give up due to money issues. It is not fair when someone with a high IQ has to be put down with the idea of not starting college because it is too expensive. Perhaps, it is expensive. Universities and colleges should give students like this one, the opportunity of trying out what it feels to be a college student and how it differs from a high school schedule. This shows that the government should not charge any student during their first four years of a college life. This will make us see how successful a student will be in the future. To those who could not keep up with the good grades or a college life will eventually drop out or they will have to pay for their college career if they want to try it one more time. On the other hand, to those students who made it through with excellent grades, will be offered financial aid and a numerous of scholarships that will be available to them. Parents or guardians will not have to worry about paying for their education, they have to be proud of where they have gotten.

                Furthermore, once passed the first four years of free education college, the government should start charging students like it is now a days. There will be things that need to get paid such as professors at Universities. For example, outside a classroom, professors are always giving students part of their free time on things they need, such as free tutor lessons by appointment or even answering emails or grading big pieces of piles left by a students’ work. Just like any career, teaching is a part of getting paid well. They went through college and they finished their career just like any other. This as well should not be free because professors help students more and give them their dedication more than they can ever think of. This shows that with the rates a student pays for college, professors should be getting a raised based on the degree they are or they are working on.

                Lastly, the sources available for students on campus do not come free. For example, the $10 free printing in any facility at the University of New Mexico given to all students who enroll for full time, is a great way of providing them with help on campus, for students who struggle with printing papers at home for their English class due to the lack of ink or paper or even not being able to afford a printer at home. This idea to help students with all printed work has been very successful at this University. “At least we are benefiting from our money that we pay to come to school” states a University of New Mexico student who supports the idea of $10 dollar given to her at the start of every semester.

                In conclusion, the government should offer college and University education free of charge to students after their first four years of college when they register for their classes in their major section. This will be easy because the government and also the colleges will have the people that succeed move on with their careers. Unlike the opposite students that do not acquired much knowledge and stay behind. To those students, the government will not help from that point on. Every each of us is smart in their own way, but if one does not try hard enough then it will not go very far without putting any effort. It is all a matter of trying and if you try enough, you will know for sure that you will move forward in the path of success. The government is only there to help push one forward with resources available but students should not take advantage of that. Everyone needs to help in their own way.


Technology Writing Prompt

I completely disagree with this prompt. Technology isn’t deteriorating out knowledge, but rather increasing it. Sure people may say that technology has made humans lazier. But they fail to see that technology is just easier more convenient. With easier access to information people are more likely to learn or find the information they are looking for. Without having to go out of you way to a library to do research, you can simply use your phone or computer. Convenience is not the only factor in why technology is increasing our knowledge rather than deteriorating it.

Technology helps us get from one place to another. Without the human advances in technology everyone would still be riding horses to get from place to place. In this day and age humans have numerous ways of traveling. With technological advances such as: automobiles, airplanes, trains, busses, bikes and boats a person can easily get from point A to point B with little to no effort. Also the speed in which you can get from place to place greatly increases the time that you can set aside for other tasks such as eating breakfast or getting ready.  Technology is great without it humans would be at a loss for words.

Technology is used everywhere in today’s society. One of the most important places technology is needed is in schools. Without technology something’s would just not be possible to teach. Technology can also be used to teach someone without the use of a teacher. With things such as Google, someone can easily search for anything their heart desires. With power like this at someone’s finger tips it is more than likely that people are getting smarter than dumber. Personally I use technology to increase my intelligence by reading online books and doing research. Having the internet is way more convenient then driving across town just to get to the library. Then once you get there you have to waste time finding the books with the right information you are looking for. With Google all you have to do is type in a few key words and boom everything you need pops up right there on your computer screen. Without computers school work would be a lot harder to say the least.

Computers are used everywhere in the world. From business to your very own home computers are used in everyday life. Technology is required now a days to do everything. Technology is only increasing our knowledge. You can say that technology is making the human race lazy but without it you wouldn’t be able to do the simplest of tasks. Without technology humans would have made some of the great scientific discoveries or medical advances. We use technology to our advantage whether you believe so or not it is true.

Technology has taken over our way of living. If something happened to where humans couldn’t use technology, the world as we know it would come to a standstill. We couldn’t function without our technology. Humans have become accustomed to the simplicity of technology. The easy access to anything we want to know is just to addicting. We need technology simple as that.

Technology leads to brain failure

Do you have to grab a calculator to know that six times seven equals forty two?. Things such as a simple calculator stops us from doing the math in our own, perhaps it’s taking over our ability of thinking for ourselves as they develop more and more technologically. Thinking for ourselves is there if we know how to put it on practice and use it well. Autocorrect, Google and social networking are ways we rely on technology to solve problems causing the abilities of humans to think for themselves, to deteriorate.

Autocorrect is the use of technology to fix grammatical errors in a device. Writing an essay thirty years ago was not as easy as it is today. Computers and cell phones were not fully developed around the 1980’s. If you messed up in a punctuation, you had to start all over again” According to Eric Vandyke, parent of an UNM student, who got to use a typed machine in his early age. This shows that back then, one had to know their English grammar before writing a paper. There was no such thing as deleting the last word you just typed just because you missed a word or because a comma was supposed to be placed before it.  With the advanced technology they have come up with in recent years, we are one generation that does not worry about errors or missed punctuations for an English paper; you can always go back to it or it will automatically fix it. This is not in overall good or beneficial to us since people rely more on the autocorrect than of the true knowledge we have of grammar and punctuation that we should have learned in our early years of elementary school.

Furthermore, Google contains all kind of useful information. According to Jean Baca, journalist  “Google has become one of the biggest internet source that students rely on (32, Baca). This shows that students nowadays do not use the library resource unless they are asked to do so. For example, in my English class my senior year, the students of AP English were asked to personally visit the library and find some efficient sources that we wanted to use for our research paper as final project. The teacher gave us a document paper that had to be signed by the main librarian, in order to show proof of our visit there and feedback from them. What would society do if we did not have Google?. People would actually get up and go to the library and we would see a lot of people every day just like we see on the internet. Devices such as a kindle were made to read books without having to have the actual book itself. This limits us from knowing how to find a book in the library or even looking for something without technology.

Finally, with the use of social network, relationships in society have been deteriorating due to the lack of communication. Finding love on the internet became most common than it used to be in past years. For example, people search for dating sites and create an account where they describe the type or specific look they are looking for in someone. This stops us from talking to people around us and makes us less smart from having to think for ourselves or on how to make that “first move” if all we are hiding behind is a computer or even a cellphone.

In conclusion, technology does deteriorate the ability of humans to think for themselves and to act in their own will. Things such as Autocorrect, Google and social networks slows our capacity of decision making. Autocorrect gets us away from knowing the grammar of the language; Google, stops us from knowing how to look up a book in the library or ask for help; and Social Network does not educate us on talking to people when we are behind a computer. All of this facts are agreeable because as humans beings we were made with a great organ that helps us think different from other people and that is what makes us different: our thoughts and actions that we take. So how long more would we remain zombies with this new technology that is growing around us?


Going to Watch

The conjuring, 2013, produced by the director James Wan. Having been into scary and horror ideas is not common in everyone else, or at least most of the people. James Wan did a great job in making people jump out of their seats in movies theatres. First, it was based on a true story which hooks the people into it. Second the characters are great actors. Third, it was very scary for most of the audience. Fourth, it will make you want to watch it again and fifth, it had a good and happy ending that will satisfy people after that nightmare. This movie gets people’s attention into it and will make you leave when it is finished content of a good movie.

I Write Because…

I write because I am forced to. Forced to by schools. If I want to get a higher education, I will have to write. Doesn’t mean that I want too. I hate writing with a passion. It is my least favorite thing to do. I like to speak my mind, so writing is useless. I would much rather just say what I need to say in person. Writing Just gets in the way. In the way of what I want to say. I need to think about what I write. writing is beyond boring to me. I prefer to speak out loud. I’m not afraid to say anything, so I don’t need to write it down. I don’t need an escape. My escape is simply speaking my mind. I write because I am forced to by the man.

I write because…

I write because I have to, I have no other choice. I write when my professors tell me to write for them; I write for a letter grade, not only for me but for my future. This is the start of my career, my future, where people go to different directions with different careers in mind but no matter where one goes, writing will always be put in motion. I write to describe my feelings in a way that my actions can not. I write when things are injustice in the world, where people suffer for a place to live under or where kids go alone without a good education to teach them values. I write because I feel like it sometimes, I feel the need to do so. No one else can express opinions or ideas better than your own self, to express feelings and ideas and to write them down is to live. If one does not write, where do ideas go? Do they just get lost between space and nonsense ? I write not only because I am free to do so, but because it is a privilege that every human possesses, to write whatever you want, to write for others, to change people’s opinion and points of view about life, to change the world. I write because I am alive.

Effects of Underage Drinking Among Teens. Essay #2 Rough Draft

 Have you ever been offered an alcoholic beverage? Or someone saying “Just have a little sip?” The majority of people have their first drink by the age of 14, and that first sip can be a long term problem in many of teenagers’ lives. Teenagers should be taking better care of their bodies considering the fact that they are still young. Alcohol has many side effects, therefore it should be avoided. If you allow underage drinking it will cause different reactions to the human body.

            The brain possesses many different functions that are in control of the human body and our actions in general. Memory and coordination are one of them. For example, the brain continues to develop in a person’s early twenties and when the brain is exposed to alcohol consumption, it may alter brain growth, coordination, and memory length. Teenagers who abuse of alcohol at an early age are considered to have a high brain damage than those who are not exposed to alcohol. Under the use of alcohol, the coordination of the human body can react in different ways without making sense, alcohol clouds your brain and hinders the ability of making decisions such as remembering those around you or even the ability to walk correct. The balance and coordination of a person start losing control once you let the alcohol control you.

            Furthermore, a person’s speech is another effect of underage drinking that can be altered by the use of alcohol. For example, studies have shown that alcohol increases the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the brain which are nerves signaling chemicals that decrease regular activity in neurons. GABA causes the sluggish movements and slurred speech that often occur in alcoholics after a long period of drinking.

            Lastly, teenagers have the best vision considering that they are at a young age. For example, the use of alochol when they are still young can cause long term problems with one’s vision that might result in blindness after a long period of time without receiving any help when it could have been avoided.

            The effects of underage alcoholism in the human body are loss of memory and coordination, slurred speech and blurred vision which can cause other disorders concerning your health. It is not about “fitting in” or being cool, it’s about taking a good care of your human body while one is young and can. Take care of your body and it will take care of you later. If you experiment with alcohol, you can hurt someone you love including yourself, so why drink it?